About Me
Hi! 👋 I’m Chris Lovejoy. My story so far:
Short Version
- 2011 - 2017: Studied Medicine at Cambridge University, dabbling in research, statistics and teaching
- 2017 - 2019: Worked as a doctor and at a healthtech start-up (at intersection of healthcare and AI)
- 2019 - 2021: Did a master’s degree in machine learning and worked in industry as a data scientist
- Sep 2021 - Dec 2022: Founded a company (health data infra), raised investment
- Jan 2023 - Aug 2023: AI consultant and solopreneur / indie hacker
- Aug 2023 - now: Founding team at Anterior, building an AI clinical brain
Longer Version (reverse chronological)
Building a Clinical Brain (Aug 2023 - Now)
In Progress
Consulting and Bottom-Up Entrepreneurship (Jan 2023 - Aug 2023)
I divided my time between freelancing consulting and building fun projects that could become businesses. I built up my savings while hanging out a bunch with my kid, but started to miss working in a team towards a bigger picture objective.
My approach was to build in public and to focus on what I call “bottom-up” enterpreneurship rather than a more “top-down” approach I took during my first start-up.
Top-Down Entrepreneurship (Sept 2021 - Dec 2022)
In 2021, I started a company to accelerate the transition towards patient-owned health data, and the benefits that would enable. We received financial investment and support from Entrepreneur First, AAVE, Oasis Labs, amongst others. I gave it a good go, learnt a lot but ultimately stopped working on the project in December. The vision was great but the technology for decentralised storage of health data is just not there yet.
Deep-dive Machine Learning (Aug 2019 - Aug 2021)
I did a Master’s Degree in Data Science and Machine Learning at University College London. I wanted to explore my interest in maths, plus build a more concrete skillset outside of clinical medicine. I absolutely loved it, and ended up scoring well. My favourite modules were Natural Language Processing, Computational Biology and Reinforcement Learning.
I also worked various roles in industry as a data scientist and machine learning engineer.
I decided to share my learnings as I went along, which ended up as an online course, various articles and with me becoming a lecturer at UCL and later at Imperial College London.
Doctoring and Beyond (Aug 2017 - Aug 2019)
I worked as a doctor in London from 2017 and gained full registration and license to practice. I wasn’t fully satisfied with medicine, so did some high-speed career sampling. During this period, I also:
- led a small team at Cera Care and built a predictive AI model (for clinical deterioration), which helped us raise ÂŁ54 million.
- completed an MBA with the Quantic School of Business and Technology
- wrote and published a book for sharing experiences, reflections and advice for learning medicine (Gumroad, Amazon, Waterstones)
Studying Medicine and Experimenting (Sept 2011 - Aug 2017)
I studied Medicine at the University of Cambridge (UK) from 2011 until 2017. I experimented a bunch outside this, including:
- Playing basketball for the university 1st and 2nd teams
- Acting in a few plays at the Cambridge University Amateur Dramatic Club
Say hi đź‘‹
Reach out at hi@chrislovejoy.me. If you’re ever in London, we can grab a coffee.