Model Answer Examples for Medical Exam Vivas
To prepare for medical final OSCEs, I prepared answers based on the most likely examination findings and the most common questions asked. For each, I thought of a logical structure for an answer an...
To prepare for medical final OSCEs, I prepared answers based on the most likely examination findings and the most common questions asked. For each, I thought of a logical structure for an answer an...
Despite one’s best efforts to learn everything for understanding, there can be times where you are presented with a list of names (the branches of the external carotid artery, for example) or numbe...
During your medical degree, as you cycle through different rotations, you will meet some inspirational doctors. They may teach you things that stick with you for life. There are many things you can...
The Feynman method is a useful way to identify any gaps in understanding of a concept and how to solve them: Select a concept. See if you can explain it in a way that a 5-year-old would under...
Last updated: 14th October 2019 This is an extremely active research field, with new papers published regularly. Here we mention some of the landmark papers, with the intention of providing somewh...
Medical school can be tough but it can also provide some of the best times of our lives. Our approach to medical school can determine the projection that the rest of our medical career takes. In th...
“The scan showed it is something sinister”, the consultant explained. “We think probably the best is to let you be.” The lack of comprehension was evident on the elderly gentleman’s face. “Alrigh...
See Chapter 6 Part 1 here. Learning to write well Some people find writing comes more naturally than others. However, writing ability is something that can be learnt. Doing so also increases clar...
I left the ward without telling anyone and headed back to my room. I slumped down on my bed, put on some music and stared at the ceiling. It was the fifth week of my first ever clinical placement ...
I turned off my computer, flicked the light switch and climbed into bed. I was bored and exhausted. I’d used up all my motivational reserves over the last three hours, trudging through excel data ...